Upcoming Presentations & Papers:
04.2021: GS
04.2021: CM
04.2021: Luke John Murphy. “Renegotiating Animal Intermediaries: the Romanisation of Hunting Goddesses and Animal-Based Rituals in Roman Britain”, Religion and the Experience of Nature: Comparative Perspectives conference, the Center for Advanced Studies, LMU Munich, Germany.
01.2020 Luke John Murphy. “An Anatomy of the Blood Eagle: The Anatomical and Sociocultural
Limits of Viking Torture”, Miðaldastofa lecture series, University of Iceland.
Past Presentations & Papers:
12.2019 Luke John Murphy. ”Hvad skete med den britiske natur i 43 e.Kr.?” [“What happened to British Nature in 43ad?”, in Danish], Religion og natur [Religion and Nature] conference, Aarhus University, Denmark.
10.2019 Luke John Murphy. “Religious ‘Stuff’: The Cognitive Science of Ritual Props in the Romanisation of Britain and the Christianisation of Iceland?”, poster presentation, Communication and Dissemination for Early Career Scholars: the NECRON Second Workshop, University of Bergen, Norway.