Here’s a list of the publications we’ve produced:

  • Murphy, Luke John, Heidi F. Fuller, Peter L.T. Willan, and Monte A. Gates. ‘An Anatomy of the Blood Eagle: The Practicalities of Viking Torture’. Speculum, forthcoming 2022.
  • Murphy, Luke John. ‘Religious “Stuff”: The Cognitive Science of Ritual Props in the Romanisation of Britain and the Christianisation  of Iceland’. In Selected Presentations from the Network of Early Career Researchers in Old Norse (2017-2019), edited by Katarzyna Anna Kapitan, Helen F. Leslie-Jacobsen, Luke John Murphy, Simon Nygaard, and Beth Rogers, 40. Anthologier. Aarhus: AU Library Scholarly Publishing Services, 2020.
  • Murphy, Luke John, and Carly Ameen. ‘The Shifting Baselines of the British Hare Goddess’. Open Archaeology 6 (2020): 214–35.